LETS ‘do’ sustainability research…

An introduction to The Learning and Teaching for Sustainability Research Group (LETS) at The University of South East Norway as part of the 2020 Festival of Research in Norway.

Created by PhD Candidate, Tassy E. Thompson, (Landscape and Sustainability) with the generous, patient collaboration with LETS Research Group members, as a pilot for digital and multi-sensory mapping of situated, interconnected and ecological research.

We are grateful to the support of The University of South East Norway’s Forskningsdagene 2020 Dissemination fund. Tassy E. Thompson is a funded research fellow (PhD Stipendiat) of The University of South East Norway PhD Cultural Studies Programme.

Illustration: StudioTassy


What are the Research Days 2020?

The Research Days (information in Norwegian) is a national research festival from 16 - 27th September 2020 under the auspices of the Norwegian Research Council (NFR). The goal is to create enthusiasm and understanding for research among the general public.

The 2020 theme is the brain.

“The brain controls our everyday lives. It's about emotions and relationships, logic and learning, how we function and react, thoughts and dreams. The brain does not end in the neck. It controls our body, and thus includes both neurology and psychiatry, both physical and mental health”.

Who are LETS?

Learning and Teaching for Sustainability Research Group (information in Norwegian and English) encourages studying, promoting, exploring and developing ways to facilitate teaching and learning for sustainability at all levels in education.

We are a diverse group of international researchers based at the University of South East Norway including a PhD programme. Curious about our research? Explore some of our work here or via our map!